Sina Weibo OAuth 2.0 Service Covert Redirect Web Security Bugs (Information Leakage & Open Redirect)



Sina Weibo OAuth 2.0 Service Covert Redirect Web Security Bugs (Information Leakage & Open Redirect)



(1) Domain:



“Sina Weibo (NASDAQ: WB) is a Chinese microblogging (weibo) website. Akin to a hybrid of Twitter and Facebook, it is one of the most popular sites in China, in use by well over 30% of Internet users, with a market penetration similar to the United States’ Twitter. It was launched by SINA Corporation on 14 August 2009, and has 503 million registered users as of December 2012. About 100 million messages are posted each day on Sina Weibo. In March 2014, Sina Corporation announced a spinoff of Weibo as a separate entity and filed an IPO under the symbol WB. Sina retains 56.9% ownership in Weibo. The company began trading publicly on April 17, 2014. “Weibo” (微博) is the Chinese word for “microblog”. Sina Weibo launched its new domain name on 7 April 2011, deactivating and redirecting from the old domain, to the new one. Due to its popularity, the media sometimes directly uses “Weibo” to refer to Sina Weibo. However, there are other Chinese microblogging/weibo services including Tencent Weibo, Sohu Weibo and NetEase Weibo.” (Wikipedia)





(2) Vulnerability Description:

Weibo web application has a computer security problem. Hacker can exploit it by Covert Redirect cyber attacks.


The vulnerabilities can be attacked without user login. Tests were performed on Microsoft IE (10.0.9200.16750) of Windows 8, Mozilla Firefox (34.0) & Google Chromium 39.0.2171.65-0 ubuntu0. (64-bit) of Ubuntu (14.04),Apple Safari 6.1.6 of Mac OS X Lion 10.7.



(2.1) Vulnerability Detail:

Weibo’s OAuth 2.0 system is susceptible to Attacks. More specifically, the authentication of parameter “&redirct_uri” in OAuth 2.0 system is insufficient. It can be misused to design Open Redirect Attacks to Weibo.


At the same time, it can be used to collect sensitive information of both third-party app and users by using the following parameters (sensitive information is contained in HTTP header.),




It increases the likelihood of successful Open Redirect Attacks to third-party websites, too.


The vulnerabilities occurs at page “oauth2/authorize?” with parameter “&redirect_uri”, e.g. [1]


Before acceptance of third-party application:

When a logged-in Weibo user clicks the URL ([1]) above, he/she will be asked for consent as in whether to allow a third-party website to receive his/her information. If the user clicks OK, he/she will be then redirected to the URL assigned to the parameter “&redirect_uri”.


If a user has not logged onto Weibo and clicks the URL ([1]) above, the same situation will happen upon login.


After acceptance of third-party application:

A logged-in Weibo user would no longer be asked for consent and could be redirected to a webpage controlled by the attacker when he/she clicks the URL ([1]).


For a user who has not logged in, the attack could still be completed after a pop-up page that prompts him/her to log in.



(2.1.1) Weibo would normally allow all the URLs that belong to the domain of an authorized third-party website. However, these URLs could be prone to manipulation. For example, the “&redirect_uri” parameter in the URLs is supposed to be set by the third-party websites, but an attacker could change its value to make Attacks.


Hence, a user could be redirected from Weibo to a vulnerable URL in that domain first and later be redirected from this vulnerable site to a malicious site unwillingly. This is as if the user is redirected from Weibo directly. The number of Weibo’s OAuth 2.0 client websites is so huge that such Attacks could be commonplace.


Before acceptance of the third-party application, Weibo’s OAuth 2.0 system makes the redirects appear more trustworthy and could potentially increase the likelihood of successful Open Redirect Attacks of third-party website.


Once the user accepts the application, the attackers could completely bypass Weibo’s authentication system and attack more easily.


Used one of webpages for the following tests. The webpage is ““. We can suppose it is malicious and contains code that collect sensitive information of both third-party app and users.


Below is an example of a vulnerable third-party domain:


Vulnerable URL in this domain:


Vulnerable URL from Weibo that is related to


POC: [2]


(2.2) Another method for attackers.

Attackers enter the following URL in browser,


Then, attackers can get URL below, [3]


If users click URL [3], the same thing will happen as URL [2].





POC Video:



Blog Detail:



(3) What is Covert Redirect?

Covert Redirect is a class of security bugs disclosed in May 2014. It is an application that takes a parameter and redirects a user to the parameter value without sufficient validation. This often makes use of Open Redirect and XSS (Cross-site Scripting) vulnerabilities in third-party applications.


Covert Redirect is also related to single sign-on, such as OAuth and OpenID. Hacker may use it to steal users’ sensitive information. Almost all OAuth 2.0 and OpenID providers worldwide are affected. Covert Redirect can work together with CSRF (Cross-site Request Forgery) as well.



Discover and Reporter:
Wang Jing, Division of Mathematical Sciences (MAS), School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. (@justqdjing)




Related Articles:





新浪 微博 网站 OAuth 2.0 隐蔽重定向 (Covert Redirect) 网络安全漏洞 (信息泄漏 & 公开重定向)

(1) 域名:


” 新浪微博是一个由新浪网推出,提供微型博客服务类的社交网站。用户可以通过网页、WAP页面、手机客户端、手机短信、彩信发布消息或上传图片。新浪可以把 微博理解为“微型博客”或者“一句话博客”。用户可以将看到的、听到的、想到的事情写成一句话,或发一张图片,通过电脑或者手机随时随地分享给朋友,一起 分享、讨论;还可以关注朋友,即时看到朋友们发布的信息” (百度百科)



(2) 漏洞描述:

新浪 微博 网站有有一个计算机安全问题,黑客可以对它进行隐蔽重定向 (Covert Redirect) 网络攻击。



这 个漏洞不需要用户登录,测试是基于微软 Windows 8 的 IE (10.0.9200.16750); Ubuntu (14.04) 的 Mozilla 火狐 (Firefox 34.0) 和 谷歌 Chromium 39.0.2171.65-0; 以及苹果 OS X Lion 10.7 的 Safari 6.16。

(2.1) 漏洞细节:
Weibo 的 OAuth 2.0 系统可能遭到攻击。更确切地说, Weibo 对 OAuth 2.0 系统的 parameter “&redirect_uri“ 验证不够充分。可以用来构造对 Weibo 的 URL跳转 攻击。

与此同时,这个漏洞可以用下面的参数来收集第三方 App 和 用户 的敏感信息(敏感信息包含在 HTTP header里),




它也增加了对第三方网站 URL跳转 攻击的成功率。


漏洞地点 “oauth2/authorize?”,参数”&redirect_uri”, e.g. [1]


同意三方 App 前:

当一个已经登录的 Weibo 用户点击上面的 URL ([1]), 对话框会询问他是否接受第三方 App 接收他的信息。如果同意,他会被跳转到 参数 “&redirect_uri” 的 URL。

如果没有登录的 Weibo 用户点击 URL ([1]), 他登录后会发生同样的事情。


同意三方 App 后:

已经登录的 Weibo 用户 不会再被询问是否接受 三方 App。当他点击 URL ([1]) 时,他会被直接跳转到攻击者控制的页面。


如果 Weibo 用户没有登录,攻击依然可以在要求他登录的Weibo的对话框被确认后完成(这个过程不会提示任何和三方 App 有关的内容)。


(2.1.1) Weibo 一般会允许属于已被验证过得三方 App domain 的所有 URLs。 然而,这些 URLs 可以被操控。比如,参数 “&redirect_uri” 是被三方 App 设置的,但攻击者可以修改此参数的值。


因此,Weibo 用户意识不到他会被先从 Weibo 跳转到第三方 App 的网页,然后从此网页跳转到有害的网页。这与从 Weibo 直接跳转到有害网页是一样的。


因为 Weibo 的 OAuth 2.0 客户很多,这样的攻击可以很常见。


在同意三方 App 之前,Weibo 的 OAuth 2.0 让用户更容易相信被跳转的页面是安全的。这增加了三方 App 被 URL跳转 攻击的成功率。


同意三方 App 后, 攻击者可以完全绕过 Weibo 的 URL跳转 验证系统。



用了一个页面进行了测试, 页面是 ““. 可以假定它是有害的,并且含有收集三方 App 和用户敏感信息的 code。



下面是一个有漏洞的三方 domain:



这个 domain 有漏洞的 URL:



Weibo 与 有关的有漏洞的 URL:



POC: [2]



(2.2) 攻击的另一个方法.

攻击者在浏览器输入 URL,


然后,攻击者可以得到 URL, [3]


如果用户点击 URL [3], 发生的事情和 URL [2] 一样.



(2.3)下面的 URLs 有同样的漏洞.



POC 视频:








(3) 什么是隐蔽重定向?

隐蔽重定向 (Covert Redirect) 是一个计算机网络安全漏洞。这个漏洞发布于 2014年5月。漏洞成因是网络应用软件对跳转到合作者的跳转没有充分过滤。这个漏洞经常利用第三方网站 (包括合作网站) 的公开重定向 (Open Redirect) 或者 跨站脚本漏洞 (XSS – Cross-site Scripting) 问题。


隐蔽重定向也对单点登录 (single sign-on) 有影响。最初发布的是对两款常用登录软件 OAuth 2.0 和 OpenID 的影响。黑客可以利用真实的网站进行网络钓鱼,从而窃取用户敏感信息。几乎所用提供 OAuth 2.0 和 OpenID 服务的网站都被影响。隐蔽重定向还可以和 跨站请求伪造 (CSRF – Cross-site Request Forgery) 一起利用。它的 scipID ID 是 13185; OSVDB ID 是 106567; Bugtraq ID 是 67196; X-Force ID 是 93031。





eBay Covert Redirect Web Security Bugs Based on


eBay Covert Redirect Vulnerability Based on

(1) WebSite:

“eBay Inc. (stylized as ebay, formerly eBay) is an American multinational corporation and e-commerce company, providing consumer to consumer & business to consumer sales services via Internet. It is headquartered in San Jose, California. eBay was founded by Pierre Omidyar in 1995, and became a notable success story of the dot-com bubble. Today, it is a multi-billion dollar business with operations localized in over thirty countries.


The company manages, an online auction and shopping website in which people and businesses buy and sell a broad variety of goods and services worldwide. In addition to its auction-style sales, the website has since expanded to include “Buy It Now” shopping; shopping by UPC, ISBN, or other kind of SKU (via; online classified advertisements (via Kijiji or eBay Classifieds); online event ticket trading (via StubHub); online money transfers (via PayPal) and other services.” (Wikipedia)


(2) Vulnerability Description:

eBay web application has a computer cyber security problem. Hacker can exploit it by Covert Redirect attacks.

The vulnerability occurs at “” page with “&mpre” parameter, i.e.

The vulnerability can be attacked without user login. Tests were performed on Firefox (26.0) in Ubuntu (12.04) and IE (9.0.15) in Windows 7.




(2.1) When a user is redirected from eBay to another site, eBay will check whether the redirected URL belongs to domains in eBay’s whitelist, e.g.

If this is true, the redirection will be allowed.


However, if the URLs in a redirected domain have open URL redirection vulnerabilities themselves, a user could be redirected from eBay to a vulnerable URL in that domain first and later be redirected from this vulnerable site to a malicious site. This is as if being redirected from eBay directly.


One of the vulnerable domain is, (Google’s Ad system)




(2.2) Use one of webpages for the following tests. The webpage address is ““. We can suppose that this webpage is malicious.


Vulnerable URL:




Poc Video:


Blog Detail:



(3) What is Covert Redirect?

Covert Redirect is a class of security bugs disclosed in May 2014. It is an application that takes a parameter and redirects a user to the parameter value without sufficient validation. This often makes use of Open Redirect and XSS vulnerabilities in third-party applications.


Covert Redirect is also related to single sign-on. It is known by its influence on OAuth and OpenID. Hacker may use it to steal users’ sensitive information. Almost all OAuth 2.0 and OpenID providers worldwide are affected. Covert Redirect was found and dubbed by a Mathematics PhD student Wang Jing from School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

After Covert Redirect was published, it is kept in some common databases such as SCIP, OSVDB, Bugtraq, and X-Force. Its scipID is 13185, while OSVDB reference number is 106567. Bugtraq ID: 67196. X-Force reference number is 93031.




Discover and Reporter:
Wang Jing, Division of Mathematical Sciences (MAS), School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. (@justqdjing)

Facebook Old Generated URLs Still Vulnerable to Open Redirect Attacks & A New Open Redirect Web Security Bugs


Facebook Old Generated URLs Still Vulnerable to Open Redirect Attacks & A New Open Redirect Web Security Bugs


“Facebook is an online social networking service headquartered in Menlo Park, California. Its website was launched on February 4, 2004, by Mark Zuckerberg with his college roommates and fellow Harvard University students Eduardo Saverin, Andrew McCollum, Dustin Moskovitz and Chris Hughes. The founders had initially limited the website’s membership to Harvard students, but later expanded it to colleges in the Boston area, the Ivy League, and Stanford University. It gradually added support for students at various other universities and later to high-school students. Since 2006, anyone who is at least 13 years old is allowed to become a registered user of the website, though the age requirement may be higher depending on applicable local laws. Its name comes from a colloquialism for the directory given to it by American universities students.” (Wikipedia)

“Facebook had over 1.44 billion monthly active users as of March 2015.Because of the large volume of data users submit to the service, Facebook has come under scrutiny for their privacy policies. Facebook, Inc. held its initial public offering in February 2012 and began selling stock to the public three months later, reaching an original peak market capitalization of $104 billion. As of February 2015 Facebook reached a market capitalization of $212 Billion.” (Wikipedia)

Wang Jing, Division of Mathematical Sciences (MAS), School of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (SPMS), Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore. (@justqdjing)


(1) General Vulnerabilities Description:

(1.1) Two Facebook vulnerabilities are introduced in this article.

Facebook has a computer cyber security bug problem. It can be exploited by Open Redirect attacks. This could allow a user to create a specially crafted URL, that if clicked, would redirect a victim from the intended legitimate web site to an arbitrary web site of the attacker’s choosing. Such attacks are useful as the crafted URL initially appear to be a web page of a trusted site. This could be leveraged to direct an unsuspecting user to a web page containing attacks that target client side software such as a web browser or document rendering programs.

Since Facebook is trusted by large numbers of other websites. Those vulnerabilities can be used to do “Covert Redirect” to other websites such as Amazon, eBay, Go-daddy, Yahoo, 163, etc.



One Facebook Open Redirect vulnerability was reported to Facebook. Facebook adopted a new mechanism to patch it. Though the reported URL redirection vulnerabilities are patched. However, all old generated URLs are still vulnerable to the attacks. Section (2) gives detail of it.

The reason may be related to Facebook’s third-party interaction system or database management system or both. Another reason may be related to Facebook’s design for different kind of browsers.


(1.1.2) Another new Open Redirect vulnerability related to Facebook is introduced, too. For reference, please read section (3).

The vulnerabilities can be attacked without user login. Tests were performed on IE (9.0) of Windows 8, Firefox (24.0) & Google Chromium 30.0.1599.114 ubuntu0. (64-bit) of Ubuntu (12.10),Safari 6.1.6 of Mac OS X Lion 10.7.

(1.2) Facebook’s URL Redirection System Related to “*.php” Files

All URLs’ redirection are based on several files, such l.php, a.php, landing.php and so on.

The main redirection are based on file “l.php” (Almost all redirection links are using it right now).

For file “l.php”, one parameter “h” is used for authentication. When it mentions to file “a.php”, parameter “eid” is used for authentication. All those two files use parameter “u” for the url redirected to. In some other files such as “landing.php”, parameters such as “url”, “next” are used.

<1>For parameter “h”, two forms of authentication are used.



<2>For parameter “eid”, one form of authentication is used.





(2) Vulnerability Description 1:

(2.1) A security researcher reported two Open Redirect vulnerabilities to Facebook in 2013. The following are the two links reported.

Though a new mechanism was adopted. However, all old generated redirections still work by parameter “h” and “eid”.



(2.2) A website was used for the following tests. The website is ““. Suppose this website is malicious.


<1>First test

<a>file: “l.php”

<b>URL parameter: “u”

<c>authentication parameter: “h”

<d>form: “h=HAQHyinFq”.

<e>The authentication has no relation with all other parameters, such as “s”.


URL 1:

Redirect Forbidden:

Redirect Works:


URL 2:

Redirect Forbidden:

Redirect Works:




<2>Second test. It is the same situation as above.

<a>file: “l.php”,

<b>url parameter “u”

<c>authentication parameter: “h”

<d>form: “h=hAQHalW1CAQHrkVIQNNqgwhxRWLNsFVeH3auuImlbR1CgKA”.

<e>The authentication has no relation to all other parameters, such as “env”, “s”.



URL 1:

Redirect Forbidden:


URL 2:

Redirect Forbidden:

Redirect Works:




(3) Facebook File “a.php” Open Redirect Security Vulnerability



<a>file: “a.php”

<b>parameter “u”

<c> authentication parameter: “eid”

<d> form: “eid=5967147530925355409.6013336879369.AQKBG5nt468YgKeiSdgExZQRjwGb9r6EOu-Uc5WPvi-EVHEzadq8YSrgSvUzbMmxKPPfTgM-JrPff7tN38luc-8h16lxL0Gj_4qs1-58yWgXirMH4AEf8sOEsZc5DTx7yFndgODvD5NrC-314BIj4pZvMhlljXv89lHRH6pBgyGGVm-oWBDIF8CuRER1f5ZGbKdsiUcBISdWTninVzvBdW1mZY0SWzqT21fZmhgVKtdkRf5l_pag7hAmotFK9HI5XHfGicWVqzRyTNiDIYjyVjTv4km2FOEp7WP3w65aVUKP_w”.

<e>The authentication has no relation to all other parameters, such as “mac”, “_tn_”.


Vulnerable URL:



(3.2) Facebook Login Page Covert Redirect Security Vulnerability

Vulnerable URL Related to Login.php Based on a.php:


Those vulnerabilities were reported to Facebook in 2014 and they have been patched.

Several other similar products 0-day vulnerabilities have been found by some other bug hunter researchers before. Facebook has patched some of them. “The Full Disclosure mailing list is a public forum for detailed discussion of vulnerabilities and exploitation techniques, as well as tools, papers, news, and events of interest to the community. FD differs from other security lists in its open nature and support for researchers’ right to decide how to disclose their own discovered bugs. The full disclosure movement has been credited with forcing vendors to better secure their products and to publicly acknowledge and fix flaws rather than hide them. Vendor legal intimidation and censorship attempts are not tolerated here!” All the fllowing web securities have been published here, Buffer overflow, HTTP Response Splitting (CRLF), CMD Injection, SQL injection, Phishing, Cross-site scripting, CSRF, Cyber-attack, Unvalidated Redirects and Forwards, Information Leakage, Denial of Service, File Inclusion, Weak Encryption, Privilege Escalation, Directory Traversal, HTML Injection, Spam. Large number of Facebook bugs were published here. FD also publishes suggestions, advisories, solutions details related to Open Redirect vulnerabilities and cyber intelligence recommendations.

(4) Amazon Covert Redirect Security Vulnerability Based on Facebook

Since Facebook is trusted by large numbers of other websites. Those vulnerabilities can be used to do “Covert Redirect” to other websites such as Amazon.


“American electronic commerce company with headquarters in Seattle, Washington. It is the largest Internet-based retailer in the United States. started as an online bookstore, but soon diversified, selling DVDs, Blu-rays, CDs, video downloads/streaming, MP3 downloads/streaming, software, video games, electronics, apparel, furniture, food, toys and jewelry. The company also produces consumer electronics—notably, Amazon Kindle e-book readers, Fire tablets, Fire TV and Fire Phone — and is a major provider of cloud computing services. Amazon also sells certain low-end products like USB cables under its inhouse brand AmazonBasics. Amazon has separate retail websites for United States, United Kingdom & Ireland, France, Canada, Germany, The Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Australia, Brazil, Japan, China, India and Mexico. Amazon also offers international shipping to certain other countries for some of its products. In 2011, it had professed an intention to launch its websites in Poland and Sweden.” (Wikipedia)



The vulnerability exists at “redirect.html?” page with “&location” parameter, e.g.


(4.1) When a user is redirected from Amazon to another site, Amazon will check parameters “&token”. If the redirected URL’s domain is OK, Amazon will allow the reidrection.

However, if the URLs in a redirected domain have open URL redirection vulnerabilities themselves, a user could be redirected from Amazon to a vulnerable URL in that domain first and later be redirected from this vulnerable site to a malicious site. This is as if being redirected from Amazon directly.

One of the vulnerable domain is,


(4.2) Use one of webpages for the following tests. The webpage address is ““. Suppose it is malicious.

Vulnerable URL:







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